Good Etiquette for Virtual Board Meetings

Virtual Board meetings are an efficient and cost-effective method for nonprofit directors to be involved. However, the lack of physical signals means that participants must be particularly attentive and capable of communicating clearly. It’s important to think ahead and establish guidelines that will aid in communication and avoid confusion.

These rules may include requiring that all participants raise their virtual hand to speak during the debate, or using the conference software’s features to announce the speaker’s name. It is also useful to have a system that allows the chairperson to track who speaks, so they can respond to the speaker and keep the discussion on track.

Finaly, it is recommended that participants minimize any distractions and stop all unnecessary programs prior to when the call begins. This will optimize bandwidth and improve audio quality. It’s also a good idea when you don’t want to be a part of the conversation to turn off your microphone. This can reduce background noise and increase the likelihood that another attendee may not be able to hear your words.

Another suggestion is to plan as brief meetings as you can. This will help attendees maintain their focus and enthusiasm throughout the event, and also reduce the risk of « zoom fatigue” — the exhaustion caused by focusing on small screens over an extended period of time. Shorter meetings also make it easier for attendees to fit the meeting times around their personal and professional commitments.

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